Friday, November 7, 2008

fabulous friday

my last lesson of the year in this high school life !!! tq pn.suneeta..=]
our class t-shirt rocks !!!!!!! yeah

credits to sim,sofia,faiz, and all the people who workd hard to make this thing hppn !!!
thx you all .....

This is day
that i never wanted to come
this is the day we have to leave
to say good bye
to our friends
our teachers
our classmates
our high school
say good bye
to everything we know!
we all have to move on
and let somethings go
our friends we had for years and years
we may never see again
everyone we grew to know
taken away and scattered
some move on together
others we will never see again

when we first came here
we all wanted to leave
couldn't wait to get outta this place
but now knowing we can't stay
with tears in our eyes
we will say good bye
but that doesn't mean we will ever forget
the memories we have made
will stay forever in our hearts

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